
Showing posts from December, 2022

How can thc be harmful?

  Gummies were the first product that was launched to consume delta 8. For so long, gummies stayed the same, having only multiple flavors, but now the technology has advanced, and so have gummies. How much thc in delta 8 gummies ? So many products are available to consume delta 8, which is nice. Only some have the same taste or suggestion; it varies from person to person. This has also made people's lives more accessible because they now have multiple choices to consume delta 8 . Why thc is this harmful? THC is harmful no matter how little or more quantity there is. As there is a saying that a single drop added to another makes a sea, the same goes for the THC. THC plays a negative role in people's lives rather than blaming products, medicine, or cannabinoid. THC has many properties that can't be consumed or taken at all until or unless a higher-standard doctor medically advises it. But even in that case, a pure form of THC is never given to the patient; many ...